Monday, March 18, 2019

Term 1 Week 3

Room 5
Lots of singing Practice this week in preparation for Fridays Mihi Whakatau. This is when the year 8s welcome the new year 7s into the school.
Depending where singing took place Tom had the option to sit on the floor with the rest of the year 7s or remain in his chair.

While Room 5 is at swimming Tom joins in with  Room 6 and seems to enjoy the change.
He is keen to meet new people and works well in different groups.
This week There was a team building challenge.
Each group was given 10 cups,1 rubber band and 4 pieces of string.the challenge was to stack the cups without touching them.
Example of cup stack

Toms group showed some great Team work.

Kiwi Golf

We also had Mel from Kiwi Golf teaching us some golf skills this week.

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So Tom and Sue last year took a lot of notice in the changes of the tree outside Room 12. We decided to photograph the tree once a week and...