Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Term 4 2019

Welcome back Thomas.

Term 4 sound like a busy and fun term.
lets make it a great term.

Thomas has started term 4 on a bit of a low, dealing with inflammation in a tooth root and of course the pain and discomfort that accompanies that.
He has not been able to eat and we have just tried to manage pain with medication sent from home and also worked to keep him comfortable and distracted from pain.
However he has worked well with his continued positive nature and has had a good start to his school work.
Tom has such a positive attitude which enables him to persevere and still have good experiences throughout the day.
He has completed his speech and we have it set up on an app called Book Creator as a way of delivery for him if he is feeling a bit overwhelmed at the time.
I find this actually gives him more confidence to do these type of things on his own anyway~ knowing he has a choice.

Tom moving through his speech.

Tom's speech casted to the whiteboard as he is also delivering it to Room 5.

He also started off his Riding for Disabled in week 1.
I felt his excitement as we were getting out of the taxi.
He had a real sense of pride and took it upon himself to introduce everyone. I felt he was saying to me "this is my place" It was so awesome.
He had a great ride and overall loved the day.

In the Taxi 

Up the ramp

Waiting for Kade

Fun time

Kade and Tom



So Tom and Sue last year took a lot of notice in the changes of the tree outside Room 12. We decided to photograph the tree once a week and...